If you get injured in an auto accident, you may need to contact a personal injury lawyer besides seeking medical assistance and informing your insurance company about the accident. This is because the insurers have their group of professional attorneys to analyze your claim, and having a personal injury lawyer at your back will increase the chances of approval for your compensation claim.
Now, as Colorado is a third-party liability state, you can even file for a compensation claim against the person responsible for the car collision and get your medical bills and other essential expenses paid by him/her. An experienced car accident attorney in Colorado can guide you through the process, providing effective suggestions at every step of the way and prevent you from committing any mistakes like, posting about your accident on the social media or giving out necessary case details to a colleague.
Now, what type of situations makes it mandatory to seek an attorney’s help after an auto accident? Let’s shed some light on them.
When you have serious injuries
When you suffer from serious injuries, like a broken bone or multiple fractures, organ damages, internal injuries, etc, an attorney is the best person to help you, besides your surgeon, of course. If any of these injuries cause permanent paralysis, you may lose your job and need consistent medical care for survival. Such cases will involve huge medical and related expenses, which may not be possible for you to cope with. Your attorney will help get your compensation claim approved so don’t have to bear the costs of someone else’s mistake.
When you don’t have insurance
In situations like these, getting in touch with an attorney is the only way to mitigate the losses and impending expenses. Without insurance, you unlikely to file a strong claim, but an attorney can find other effective ways to get you the compensation you need.
When the police report is against you
Many a time, the authorities fail to investigate an accident properly and blame you for the same. Your attorney can help you by taking a look at the available facts and get you the compensation through a fair trial.
You may also need an attorney if the accident was huge, and there were multiple parties involved like pedestrians, shopkeepers, etc. Without professional legal assistance, it may be daunting to come out of such situations, let alone file for compensation.
Did you have a car accident recently? Talk to a professional legal expert today!