Whenever you make difficult life decisions, you must be aware of all of your options and this holds true when buying an off-road vehicle. If you are new to this type of vehicle, you might be wondering about the difference between ATV and UTV. Although both vehicles have their benefits, there are some distinctions that may influence your opinion when making a purchase decision. An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) is also called a quad or four-wheel vehicle made for one rider. A utility task vehicle (UTV) allows for side-by-side riding. That is why it is often called a side by side vehicle or a cote à cote.
Size Difference
ATVs are smaller than UTVs. Thus, they are usually better for tight spaces and quick turns, making them the best option for racing. They are more physically demanding to ride since you have to straddle the seat and maintain balance for optimum control. Meanwhile, if you want a ride with others and you prioritize safety, a UTV would be your best option. UTVs are bigger and let you ride with several passengers. They tend to be more comfortable because of their automobile-style bench bucket seats and roll-cage-like enclosure. Their bigger physique is also beneficial since it is designed to haul. The majority of UTVs have storage space that provides a way to pack your gear.
Cost Difference
In terms of the cost, a stock ATV is often less extensive than a UTV; however, this makes sense when you think about the extra safety features and the modifications that you can choose to make. Although it is possible to modify both the ATV and the UTV, famous UTV modifications carry a heavier price tag. These modifications can include four-wheel independent suspension, specialty lighting, and power-steering.
When setting a budget for your off-road vehicle, ensure you factor in safety gear and accessories such as helmets, gloves, protective clothing, loading ramps, and heavy-duty boots for ease of transportation. If these accessories are beyond your budget, just wait up and save money first before you buy them.
You want to pick the vehicle that is right for you. If you want to ride alone, want to save money, and enjoy the adrenaline rush of riding an off-road vehicle that can run on high speeds and nimble maneuvers, you want to opt for an ATV. But, if you prefer a vehicle with more functionality and can safely haul more people and gear, a UTV will fit you just fine.